UPC values the needs of each customer, incorporating our core chemical business to provide high-quality vertically integrated services such as shipping, terminal operations, tank storage, warehousing, and vehicle transportation across our wide network. We also implement environmental protection practices, reducing the use of packaging materials, saving energy, and reducing carbon emissions. In addition, we share resources and establish strategic alliances with our suppliers to achieve the goals of mutual prosperity and mutual benefit.
Quality assurance, integrity-based, service standardization, scientific management.
Safety first, prevention-oriented, full participation, integrated governance.
Environmental protection, people-oriented, energy saving and carbon emission reduction, sustainable development.
Vertically integrated services including shipping, terminal operations, tank storage, warehousing, and vehicle transportation for our customers.
Integrating the core chemical business to establish operational standards.
Safety comes first, 24/7 monitoring platform and customer service for uninterrupted service.
Compliance with national certification, laws and regulations, EHS certification.
Horizontal integration to share resources with suppliers.
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